Unwind your mind
Unwind your mind
Razmišljam o osmom (smrtnom) grijehu.
Kako god okrenem i obrnem, te iz kojeg god ugla ili aspekta pogledam - i jeste i nije
PRISUTNOST & filter SVJESNOSTI aktivira samosvijest Bića. Ne ega, Bića.
SAVJEST teži jednoti i balansu svepostojećeg. Sebe u sebi. Sebe u drugima. Drugih u sebi
Sociologija i psihologija je napravila šta je mogla, sada je na nama. Svakog’ od nas!
I am thinking about the eighth (deadly) sin.
No matter how I turn it, and from any angle or aspect I look at it - it is and it is not
PRESENCE & the filter of AWARENESS activates the self-awareness of the Being. Not the ego, the Being.
CONSCIENCE strives for the unity and balance of the omnipresent. Myself within myself. Self in others. Others in yourself
Sociology and psychology have done what they could, now it's up to us. Each of us!
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